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Customizing Django Crispy Formset Modal

Django Crispy Formset Modal offers several customization options to suit your specific requirements. This section covers some of these options.

Using Different Template Packs

Django Crispy Formset Modal comes with support for Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 5, Tailwind, and Bulma. Select the template pack by setting the CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK option in your Django settings:

CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK = 'bootstrap4'  # or 'bootstrap5', 'tailwind', 'bulma'

Ensure that you include the respective CSS and JS files in your template for the selected pack.

Customizing Modal Size and Placement

Django Crispy Formset Modal allows you to customize the size and placement of your modal by setting modal_size and modal_placement attributes in the ModalEditFormsetLayout object. You can set these attributes using the ModalSize and ModalPlacement classes respectively.

The ModalSize class includes the following options:

from crispy_formset_modal import ModalSize

ModalSize.SM  # Small
ModalSize.MD  # Medium
ModalSize.LG  # Large
ModalSize.XL  # Extra Large

The ModalPlacement class includes the following options:

from crispy_formset_modal import ModalPlacement


For instance, to set a large modal size and center placement, you would modify your formset layout like so:

self.helper.layout = Layout(
            list_display=["description", "quantity", "unit_price"],
            modal_size=ModalSize.LG,  # set the modal size to large
            modal_placement=ModalPlacement.CENTER  # set the modal placement to center

Overriding Default Templates

Django Crispy Formset Modal uses several templates to render formsets and modals. These templates can be overridden to customize the look and feel of your formsets. The templates you can override are:

  • form.html: This template is used to render the form within the modal.
  • modal.html: This template is used to render the modal dialog for adding/editing formset instances.
  • table.html: This template is used to render the HTML table that displays the formset data.
  • edit_button.html: This template is used to render the record edit button in the formset table.
  • empty_state.html: This template is used to render the empty state message when there are no records in the formset.

To override these templates, create a directory named crispy_formset_modal and a subdirectory named as per the template pack you're using (for instance, bootstrap4) in your project's templates directory. Then create your custom versions of form.html, modal.html, edit_button.html, empty_estate.html and/or table.html in this directory.

With these customization options, you can modify Django Crispy Formset Modal to better suit the needs of your project. In the next section, we'll discuss how to troubleshoot common issues and where to seek further assistance.